Under IQAC initiative,Women Empowerment Cell in collaboration with Department of Women’s Studies celebrated National Girl Child Day, -2024 on 25th January-2024 in Function Hall at 11:30a.m. Prof. Anita Dolli Co ordinator Women Empowerment cell and HOD Home Science welcomed and introduced chief guest and resource person Dr Renuka Tenahalli, Prof and HoD PG studies in Samhita Siddhant and Sanskit, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hospital and Research Center, Vijayapur addressed our students on the theme – “Equality starts at home raise your girls with ambition”.
In her speech she spoke about the Role of a girl in everyone’s life and also shared guidelines and good life style to maintain good health to our students. Dr.Y Tammanna ,Principal of our college gave presidential remarks.
IQAC co-ordinator and HOD of Education prof.V.S.Nandesh, Prof Shweta Ghanti,HOD women’s studies along with 12 teaching staff and 86 students were present at the function.