Under IQAC initiatives, M.Com Programme organised Orientation programme and Guru Naman on 02-02-2024.
Programme started with invocation song by Miss.Jyoti,M.Com 1sem student ,Welcome and introduction by Miss.Harshada Pangadwale, M.Com 3rd sem student, followed by Introductory speach from Prof.Pooja Hiremath, Coordinator of M.Com Programme Introduction about college and Department was carried out by Smt.Soumya Kulkarni.faculty Dept of M.Com.
Presidential remarks by Dr.Y Tammanna sir Principal of our college and vote of thanks by Miss Nivedita B K. Along with IQAC Coordinator Prof.V S Nandesh sir, English Department HOD Prof.P S Tolanur Sir ,Prof.A T.Shrinivas Sir HOD of Statistical Department and Dr.Renukadevi Kamtar Chairperson of Cultural Committee.Prof.Pooja M Hiremath M.Com Coordinator and M.Com faculties , teaching faculties and around 30 M.Com students were present on this programme.