Under IQAC Initiative the department of Physical Education and Sports organized National Sports on the occasion of Birth anniversary of Hockey legend major Dhyanachand. on 29/08/2023 at 10:30 am. The function was inaugurated by offering flowers to the photo of mejor Dayanachand. Dr.Savita Aneppanavar Director of Physical education and sports welcomed to the guest. Prof P. S Tolnur Precided the program. IQAC Coordinator Dr. Jayashree Birappa shared the dias. Kumari. Akshata Kyatanagoudra Bsc II sem gave breaf information of life and achievements about Mejor Dhyanachand. Miss Preeti Harnal sports secretary shared her views of our College sports activities. Prizes were distributed to the Volleyball matches winners team which was conducted on 26/08/2023 on the occasion of National Sports day. Prof P S Tolnur HOD English Department addressed presidential remarks. Miss Kanya Kumari Indi Bcom VI sem proposed Vote of thanks. Miss Sudharani Bijjargi from MCom II nd sem hosted the program. 132 students and 13 teaching staff members attended the program.