Orientation Program for the Academic Year 2024-2025

The Orientation Program for the Academic Year 2024-2025 for B.A. Programme was held on 08/10/2024 at Function hall under IQAC Initative, aiming to familiarize new students with the Curriculum, Co-Curricular Activities, College Environment, Available Facilities & Resources, and Functional Cells etc.
The event began at 9.30 am with an opening address by Mr. Mallikarjun Kenganal, Dr. Bhakti Mahindrakar, IQAC Coordinator of the college, welcomed the new batch with a glance presentation about the college. The program was designed to provide insights into academic programs, campus facilities, student life, and support services available.
Librarian Dr. Savita Kulkarni, Chairperson of various Cells ie. NSS Officer Sri V.Nandesh, Cultural Committee Chairperson Dr.R.G.Kamtar, Scouts & Guides Officer Smt. Shweta Ghanti, briefed about their respective departments & cells. 205 students & 22 staff members were present.

B. Com Programme has organised orientation programme on 8/10/2024. 112 students and 5 faculties members were present in the program. The program was started with prayer song sung by Dr. R. G. Kamatar and Smt. Shaila Rebagond, Mr. Somashekhar Tuppad presented the department profile and preciseded by Dr. J. R. Kotnal and program was comparing by Smt. S. G. Rebagond and vote thanks proposed by Ms. Boramma Desai.



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