Under IQAC initiative, Department of Botany has organized a special lecture on the topic “Interactive Action- Driven Session on Plastic Waste Management.” on 19/12/2023 at 10.30 AM in the Seminar Hall.
Lecture was delivered by the Resourse person Dr. M.B.Mulimani, Retd principal.
BLDEAāS Commerce, BHS Arts & TGP Science College, Jamakhandi. And IQAC Co-ordinator Dr.V.S.Nandesh sir were presided cover the programme and shared his viewpoints regarding the topic.
Our beloved principal Dr.Y.Tammanna sir & Prof.Gururaj Kulkarni B.sc Co-ordinator were on the dais.
Miss.Soumya Shattar HOD Botany Welcomed and introduced the guest. From B.sc III sem Soumya H. & Sanmati C. Anchored, Vote of thank given by Akshata G.
The 15 teaching staff and 104 students were attended the programme.