Under IQAC Initiative, Celebrated National Librarians Day and 131st Birth Anniversary of Padmashri Dr S. R. Ranganathan, Father of Library Science on 12th August 2023 at Library Hall and also library and information center conducted the library activities to promote the library services and
facilities for the benefit of students and faculty members.Variety of new books on different subjects displayed in the
Book Exhibition. The Online Quiz competitions were conducted for the BA, B.Com, BCA and BSc 6th sem students on 10th August-2023 and the winners are as follows:
1.Priyanka Wagmadi B.A 6th Sem-1st Prize. 2.Nanda Halagali B.A 6th Sem 2nd Prize
3. Akshata Mahajan B.A 6th Sem 3rd Prize
and the best users reward was also given to the students.Principal Dr. Y Tammanna Sir distributed the rewards to the students.The students who highest used the library were given this award the winners are as follows:
Shweta Malipatil Bsc 2 nd sem and Shruti Pujari B.A 6th sem.
Along with Principal Dr.Y Tammanna sir all teaching and non- teaching staff and Students attended the program.