Under IQAC initiative our college Women Empowerment Cell organized special guest lecture on “MENSTRUAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE” on 15-06- 2024 at 10:30 a.m. in function hall to commemorate the Menstrual Hygiene Day which is celebrated on May 28, every year. The special lecture was conducted with the aim to empower all the students of all the stream of B.A, B.Com, B.Sc and BCA and ladies staff including teaching and non teaching faculty to raise awareness and promote menstrual health and hygiene in our college community and beyond. Dr Shailaja Bidri professor and head, Dept of OBGYN, BLDE(DU)Sri BM Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Vijayapura was invited as a resource person to speak on the topic “Menstrual Health and Hygiene”. Mrs Anita S Dolli, Co-ordinator Women Empowerment Cell,WelcomedĀ andĀ introduced the guest of today’s event. Our guest speaker shared her valuable insights with our students about healthy life style and to challenge stereotypes, advocate for change and work towards creating a world where menstruation is no longer a taboo but a topic of open dialogue and support. After guest lecture interactive session and discussion was conducted. Our principal Dr.Y. Tammanna sir said that more and more student should actively participate in such programs, engage in discussions and take away valuable insights that can be shared with others. Sir also concluded in his presidential speech that such events are stepping stones towards a more informed, inclusive and compassionate society. Prof. V. S. Nandesh, IQAC Co-ordinator shared the stage along with guests. Dr. R.G Kamatar Dept. of Kannada compered the program and Mrs. Hussna S. Desai, Dept of English proposed vote of thanks. About 31 ladies,teaching and non- teaching faculty along with 178 students attended the program.