Kanakadas Jayanti 18.11.2024
Smt. Bangaramma Sajjan Arts, Commerce And Science College For Women Vijayapur
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS ABOUT THE PROGRAM:- The Department of Statistics has been established in the year 1983. However, the teaching of subject Statistics is introduced Degree course of B.A, B.Com. The department is working up to the Read more
DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS ABOUT THE PROGRAM: B.Sc program established in the year 2020-21, Mathematics is a three-year programme and four years program for NEP, The programme includes the topics like Algebra, Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. AIMS: To Read more
Year of Establishment: 2017 AICTE Mandatory Disclosures Aim: The BCA course aims that prepares the students for manpower requirement of the fast developing IT/Software industry .and Higher Education like MCA, MBA, M.Sc. (Bio-Tech) and M.Sc (CS). Objectives: Demonstrating Read more