
The College is providing education for three years degree course in B.A / B.Com. and UGC sponsored Career Oriented Programmes in (1) Retail Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables (2) Tourism (3) Foundation Course on Human Rights at degree level. In each subject of semester course, University Examination will be conducted at the end of the semester for 80 marks and 20 marks are reserved for Internal Assessment consisting of two tests of 10 marks each.

Pattern of Examination :
i) Internal : 20 marks (Conducted by the College for each semester)
(2 tests of 10 marks each)

(ii) Theory: 80 marks (Conducted by the K.S.W. University, Vijayapur)

BA – I / II / III / IV / V / VI Semesters:

1. English {Compulsory at B.A. I, II, III & IV}
2. Any one Modern Indian Languages {MIL}]
3. Optional Subjects: [Three subjects of equal importance]

One of the following combinations is to be chosen for study

Groups :
1] Hindi, History, Education
2] Sociology, Political-Science, History
3] Kannada, History, Education
4] Economics, Statistics, History
5] Sanskrit, History, Education
6] Home-Science, History, Political-Science
7] History, Sociology, Music
8] History, Kannada, Music
9] Political Science, History, Womenā€™s Studies
10] English, Sociology, History
11] English, Political Science, History
12] English, Education, History

Compulsory Subjects :
1] B.A./B.Com.Ist Sem – Indian Constitution.
2] B.A. IInd Sem. – Human Rights & Environmental Studies.
3] B.A. IIIrd Sem. – Personality Development and Communication Skills

What will be studying in B.Com :

B.Com. Ist Semester :
1] Basic English
2] Any one language, Hindi /Kannada
3] Financial Accounting ā€“ I
4] Secretarial Practice
5] Managerial Economics
6] Principles of Marketing
7] Indian Constitution [Compulsory Paper]

B.Com. IInd Semester :
1] Basic English
2] Hindi /Kannada
3] Financial Accounting ā€“ II
4] Business Communication Skills
5] Business Environment
6] Enterprise Development and Small Enterprise Management
7] Computer Application in Business
8] Human Rights Environmental Studies [Compulsory Paper]

B.Com. IIIrd Semester :
1] Monetary Economics
2] Business Statistics -I
3] Financial Accounting ā€“ III
4] Indian Financial System
5] Retailing Management
6] Computer Application in Business-II
7] Principle and Practice of Management

B.Com. IVth Semester :
1] International Economics
2] Business Statistics -II
3] Financial Accounting ā€“ IV
4] Modern Banking Theory & Practice
5] Advertising Principles and Practice
6] Insurance Principles and Practice
7] Computer Application in Business-III

BCAĀ (Bachelor of Computer Applications)

M.Com (Master of Commerce)

  • Syllabus