ATTENDANCE (Attendance Rules and Credit)
A student should attend all lectures, preceptorials, tutorials and practicalās held during the year in all the subjects (or papers). In case the students are unable to do so, then they must have 75% of attendance.
- Students Failing to attend a minimum 75% of the lectures/Tutorials/Precepatorials Practical classes will not be permitted to appear for the University Examination.
- According to University rules, the total periods of absence in case of State/National Level sports events and in International sports events should be in accordance with Karnataka State Womenās University Rules.
The College expects its students should be in a disciplined and dignified manner inside and outside the college. For this, some provisions are as follows:
- Students are responsible for their conduct and prohibited from doing anything, either inside or outside the College that will be an amount to a breach of discipline or interference of the College. A student will be liable to disciplinary action for violation of any of the rules. Disciplinary action may involve warning/fine/suspension from use of the College library or even from the college as such, or any such action as provided as per Rules of KSWU, Vijayapur.
- Students shall behave themselves in a decent manner towards the members of the teaching and non-teaching staff and fellow students. Use of indecent language or unparliamentarily conduct including teasing etc., shall be severely dealt with.
- Students shall maintain silence in class rooms and desist from demonstrations or disorderly behavior. They must not loiter in the corridors or in front of class rooms and must keep as quiet as possible at all times. During their free periods, students should work quietly either in the Library or Reading Room, or spend time in the Students Common Room but without causing any disturbance.
- Students shall take proper care of the College furniture and premises. And must not spoil or cause any damage or tamper to college property, furniture, fittings and lawns.
- Students shall leave their bicycles and motorcycles locked in the parking area at their own risk. No bicycles and motorcycles shall be parked in any other part of the College campus.
- No society can be formed in the College nor shall any person be invited to address a meeting in the College without the prior permission of the Principal.
- Students suffering from any contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend the College.
- Uniform is made compulsory for all students.
University Examination Rules
The university conducts the semester examination at the end of each semester for students admitted to various courses in the college. For appearing the examination the fulfillment of minimum 75% attendance is compulsory.
Prohibition of Ragging
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the College premises.
- Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitute gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with
- Ragging for the purpose of this Ordinance means any act conduct or practice by which dominant power or status of senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior or inferior by other students. It includes individual or collective acts or practices which:
- Involves physical assault or threat, and/or use of physical force.
- Violate the status, dignity and honour of women students.
- Violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the Scheduled castes and tribes.
- Expose the students to ridicule contempt and affect their self-esteem.
- Entail verbal abuse and aggression.
- Complaints regarding sexual harassment should be reported to the statutory committee on prevention of sexual harassment.
- Complaints regarding SC/ST harassment should be reported to the statutory college SC/ST Committee.
General Rules
- Information required should be obtained through the designated window.
- Students are expected to make proper and careful use of the college facilities.
- Students are advised to see the Notice Board regularly.
- Strictly prohibited the use of mobiles in the college premises.
- Class Representatives will be elected in their respective classes.
- If a student wants to cancel the admission, she has to pay entire fees; From Fees once paid will not be refunded.
- If a student fails to fulfill the required attendance she will not be permitted to appear for the Semester Examinations.
- Identity card is compulsory.
- College Timings 7.45 a.m. to 3 p.m.