Under IQAC initiative the department of Physical Education and Sports Organized 10th International Yoga Day on 21/06/2024 at 7:30 AM in college campus. Dr. Savita Aneppanavar took practical classes for all the students and staff. After that talked about ancient things about Yoga need and Importance of yoga is present Scenario. The Principal Dr. Y. Tammanna Precided over the program. Kumari. Sushmita Jalageri B.Com II sem hoisted the program and welcomed the dignitaries. IQAC Co-ordinator Shri. V. S. Nandesh and Prof. A.T.Srinivas HoD Statistics shared the dias. Kumari Soundarya Hanchate B.Com VI Sem Delivered vote of thanks 165 Students 18 staff members attended the program.