Under IQAC initiative Anti Ragging and Prevention to Anti- Sexual Harrassment cell of B.L.D.E Associations Smt.Bangarama Sajjan Arts,Commerce and Science College for women,Vijaypura organised one day Workshop on Self Defense Mechanism on 27th February 2024 at 10:30am in seminar hall of our college. It is a matter of pride and Honour as the resource person were two young stalwarts from Police Department .They were Smt Krishnaveni PSI,Jalnagar Police Station, Vijayapur and Smt Jayanti Naik Head Constable of Women Police Station,Vijayapur accompanied by Smt Sangeeta Shedbal Police Constable. Function began with the beautiful serene prayer by Miss Shrisudha from BA programme of our college Smt H.S.Dessai Programme Coordinator Welcome and introduced the dignitaries on the Dias. The event continued with the watering the plants symbolising the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. The inaugurator Smt Krishnaveni emphasized the importance of education specially for women and shaping the future society. She further talked about self defense of oneself and respect for elders which can get through proper knowledge.Another resource person Smt Jayanti Naik along with Sangeeta Shedbal created awareness among students by presenting self defense skills,live demontrations to secure and save themselves in any toughest situation.She also talked about POSCO Act, on legal aspects and shared important contact numbers for any emergency.Our students were overwhelmed by their performance and came on stage spoke positively ,enthusiasitically about this workshop followed by interactive sessions. Principal Dr Y.Tamanna in his presidential remark talked about importance of self defense and said that such workshop should and must to be organised as it is need of the hour.Dr.R.G.Kamtar compered the program and Smt Veena Meligeri proposed vote of thanks.Shri V.S.Nandesh along with guest shared the stage.24 teaching staff and 216 students attended the workshop.Thus, this Workshop proved to be resounding success and created a sense of solidarity, collective responsibility for each otherās safety.