Department of English under IQAC Initiative and G20 organized a special guest lecture on “Professional Ethics” on 15th July 2023 at 1:30pm in seminar Hall of our college.
Miss. Pavitra L trainer, NAANDI foundation was the resource person. In her speech she gave a brief account of 6 pullers of Professional Ethics and it’s importance.
Shri. Prabhuling Gunjetti welcomed and Introduced the guest, Shri. Sharan Patil proposed vite of thanks. Principal Dr. Y.Tammanna , IQAC Co-Ordinator Dr.Jayashree. Beerappa, HOD of English Shri. P.S.Tolnur, Language Lab Co-ordinator Smt. H.S. Desai along with 18 staff and 51 students were attended the program.