On the Eve of 9th International Yoga Day our college the Department of Physical education and Sports under IQAC initiative organized Yoga camp from 13/06/2022 to 21/06/2023 for all students and Staff at morning 8am to 9am
On 8th Day a special closing ceremony was organized by the Physical Director Dr. Savita Aneppanavar. On this occasion students were felicitated for their extraordinary Achievement in state level Yogasana championship which was held at Bangalore Kanakapura. On 18/6/2023.Miss Soumya Jadhav from BA II Secured IIPlace with A+ grade. Miss Swati Hiremathfrom Bcom II Secured IV Place with A+ grade.
Principal Dr.Y.Tammanna, gave precidencial remarks. IQAC Co-ordinatorJayashreeBirappadelivered introductory speech. Students and staff membersshared their experience about Yoga camp.
Dr.SavitaAneppanavar took Practical Yoga Class and talked about need and importance of Yoga in present scinario. Shri MallikarjunKenganal welcomed and introduced the guests. Smt. Savita Lamani hosted the program.Prof. B. B.Hachadad, Prof Shrinivas shared the dias. Smt.Shaila Rebagond faculty Bcom Department delivered Vote of thanks.
302 students and 28 teaching staff members attended the program.